Tag: Baptism
Romans 6:1-7 – Freedom from Sin through Baptism
Baptism is the key to receiving freedom from sin in Jesus Christ. In it we die with Christ and are raised with Him as new creations.
Romans 4:23-25 – Believing the Impossible
It is by believing in the impossible that Christians are declared righteous before God. This is the basis of righteousness by faith.
Romans 3:19-26 – Righteousness by Faith
Righteousness by faith is one of the key foundation teachings in Christianity. Understanding it is paramount in our walk with Christ.
Receiving the Holy Spirit – Part 2
This is the second part of a session where we look at receiving the Holy Spirit. In this session we look at how a person can know without a shadow of a doubt that they have received the Holy Spirit.
Receiving the Holy Spirit – Part 1
Receiving the Holy Spirit is a most important subject, especially today as it is so poorly understood by many Christians.
Freedom from Law
God has set us free from the laws of Moses, through the death of Jesus. This was done to deal with future sin so that we would not have to stand in condemnation.
Freedom from Sin
God will not work with sinners. But Jesus sets us free from sin so that God will work with us to bring us to perfection in Christ.
How Christ Sets Us Free
One of the key things we must understand about the Gospel of Salvation is how Christ sets us free. Freedom is the basis of the Gospel as we are saved from sin, and through the Gospel of Jesus we are able to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. But how does this take…