Gospel music is an important part of the ministry of the church. It is a powerful way to praise and worship the Lord, as well as getting people into the right place mentally and spiritually to hear and learn the word of God.

Many times, as I can testify personally, people may come to church not in the best or most receptive mood to hear God’s word. But it is amazing how attitudes and moods change for the positive when they begin to sing and listen to gospel music.
House churches and small groups often do not have access to musicians to accompany gospel music and choruses. That is why this site offers a selection of Christian choruses and songs that can be streamed for free. There are no royalties to be paid for any of this music as it is all in the public domain, or has been written and provided royalty free.
The playlists on this page contain all of the currently available tracks. You can select those you wish to play and just click the play button on the song to play it.
Words for all of the songs are provided in a free Chorus Book, which you can view or download by clicking this link: Chorus Book
Alternatively, if you also plan to use the sermons/talks provided by this website, you can go to the Weekly Meetings page, which will have a curated playlist for that particular week as well as the sermon/talk for the week too.
At this stage you cannot (yet) download these songs for offline use, however that will come in due course and then you can save them locally and play them any way you like.
Note: All music tracks are in the public domain or offered royalty free. Should you find a song that is not in the public domain or is still under active copyright, please let me know on the contact page so I can remove that song from the lists.
- 001 Love Lifted Me 1:41
- 002 Jesus How Lovely You Are 1:21
- 003 Born Again Theres Really Been A Ch 1:15
- 004 If you know the Lord 2:40
- 005 I Thank The Lord For Calling Me 2:52
- 006 Ive Got Joy And Its Down In My He 1:12
- 007 Blessed be thou Lord God of Israe 2:39
- 008 For His name is exalted 1:57
- 009 Thou art my God and I will praise 1:18
- 010 With my hands lifted up 1:21
- 011 Its no longer I that liveth 1:05
- 012 This is my commandment 1:12
- 013 Set free to worship 0:48
- 014 I delight to do thy will 1:12
- 015 Pressed down shaken together 1:04
- 016 Great is the Lord 1:01
- 017 I am covered over 2:22
- 018 I Have Found In The Words Of The 1:54
- 019 Though the figtree does not bloss 1:17
- 020 When Jesus called me 2:39
- 021 Victory we have in Jesus Christ – 1:03
- 022 Cover Me 1:29
- 023 I know I owe 0:56
- 024 This little light of mine 1:17
- 025 Amazing Grace 2:38
- 026 I lift my voice 2:08
- 027 Eternal Life Eternal 1:16
- 028 Look to the Lord in your time of 1:04
- 029 Let God arise 0:56
- 030 Its the latter rain 0:58
- 031 Born again Im born again 2:13
- 032 He paid a debt he did not owe 1:09
- 033 Everybody ought to know 2:27
- 034 For from Him and through Him 1:36
- 035 Got any rivers 1:05
- 036 Stand fast therefore in the libe 2:00
- 037 Ive been redeemed 1:00
- 038 Sweep over my soul 1:03
- 039 I am the way the truth and the l 1:14
- 040 There is no condemnation 1:27
- 041 Sweep over my heart 1:33
- 042 I want to see Israel marching 1:05
- 043 This is the day 1:10
- 044 Rejoice in the Lord always 1:11
- 045 Joy is the flag flown high 1:10
- 046 Something wonderful happened to 0:58
- 047 Hallelujah for the Lord our God 1:37
- 048 I have come to praise you my Jes 3:06
- 049 Jesus is standing here 1:57
- 050 My glory and the lifter of my hea 1:39
- 051 Majesty 2:24
- 052 There is a river 1:33
- 053 He loves he saves 1:10
- 054 The zeal of God 1:22
- 055 I know that Jesus must have loved 1:20
- 056 If you want joy real joy 1:52
- 057 Guided by the power of the Fathe 1:05
- 058 In Him is Life 2:07
- 059 Unto thee oh Lord 1:14
- 060 Its beginning to rain 1:16
- 061 Therefore the redeemed 2:03
- 062 Theres going to be a meeting in t 1:20
- 063 Theres going to be yes a meeting 1:05
- 064 I will sing of the mercies of the 1:44
- 065 Make me an instrument 2:11
- 066 From the rising of the sun 1:55
- 067 I didnt know how to sing the song 2:07
- 068 Heavenly Father I appreciate you 1:05
- 069 I love this family of God 1:16
- 070 Over and over like a mighty sea 1:39
- 071 Lift up your hands open your mout 1:05
- 072 Making melody in your heart 1:03
- 073 My lovely Jesus came 2:05
- 074 Praise ye the Lord always 1:10
- 075 Two thousand years ago 2:13
- 076 If God be for us 0:41
- 077 I will follow my Lord Jesus 2:52
- 078 Grace is flowing like a river 2:57
- 079 I came to glorify His name 0:38
- 080 I keep falling in love with Him 1:12
- 081 Im a new creation 1:59
- 082 Gods gonna come 1:03
- 083 The Spirit of the Lord 1:16
- 084 All over the world 1:29
- 085 When the Lord turned again 1:10
- 086 Do you want to know about the kin 1:39
- 087 The joy of the Lord is my strengt 1:25
- 088 Jesus my saviour you are the way 1:45
- 089 Whom have I in heaven but thee 1:10
- 090 On the night that the Lord was be 1:51
- 091 You are the words and the music 1:02
- 092 Something Beautiful 1:20
- 093 Jesus has set us free 1:54
- 94 Follow follow I would follow Jesus 0:45
- 95 He own the cattle on a thousand hills 1:09
- 96 Jesus is a wonderful saviour 1:59
- 97-Lets-talk-about-Jesus 2:16
- 98-Rolled-away-rolled-away 1:09
- 99-Running-over 0:43
- 100-Some-golden-daybreak 1:56
- 101-V2-When-the-road-is-rough-and-steep 1:07
- 102-Wide-wide-as-the-ocean 1:19
- 103-For-God-so-loved-the-world 1:03
- 104-For-unto-us-a-child-is-born 1:33
- 105-Its-a-new-day 1:07
- 106-Battle-hymn-of-the-republic 1:20
- 107-Oh-sing-unto-the-Lord-a-new-song 1:14
- 108 The gospel is the power of God 1:10
- 109 My Jesus Saves 2:26
- 110 The Old Old Story medley 2:58
- 111 I am glad I belong to Jesus 1:10
- 112 Faith Turns The Night Into The Day 1:06
- 113 Theres a new name written down in glory 1:10
- 114 When the Saints Go Marching In 1:48
- 115 It isnt any trouble just to SMILE 1:22
- 116 Youll never know real peace 2:24
- 117 I know the Lord will make a way for me 1:09
- 118 Absolutely Tender 1:01
- 119 Only to be what He wants me to be 1:53
- 120 There is victory for me 1:10
- 121 Im on the highway home 1:09
- 122 He holds my hand 1:48
- 123 Things are different now 1:52
- 124 It will be worth it all 1:29
- 125 The windows of heaven are open 1:21
- 126 Every moment of the day 1:17
- 127 My home is in heaven 1:14
- 128 I am the way 1:07