Category: blog
Romans 5:6-11 – Reconciled to God
Through the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to God, and this is reason for great joyfulness.
Romans 3:5-18 – Bible Study
None is righteous. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But that does not mean all is lost. This bible study looks at this subject…
Romans 3:1-4 – Bible Study
God has a plan and God is faithful. The faithfulness of God will ensure that His plan is executed accordingly. This bible study looks at the faithfulness of God…
Romans 2:25-29 – Bible Study
Acceptance into the kingdom of God is not about what you do, it is a matter of the heart. Getting your heart right is key, and we look at this matter in this bible study…
Receiving the Holy Spirit – Part 2
This is the second part of a session where we look at receiving the Holy Spirit. In this session we look at how a person can know without a shadow of a doubt that they have received the Holy Spirit.
Receiving the Holy Spirit – Part 1
Receiving the Holy Spirit is a most important subject, especially today as it is so poorly understood by many Christians.
The Great Commission
One of the best known, yet often misunderstood sections of scripture has to do with the Great Commission. There is more to it than just making disciples, as we discuss here.
Where are your sins now?
We are taught in the Bible that Jesus came to take away the sins of the world. But it is an interesting study to understand where are our sins now? This study looks at that question.
Freedom from Law
God has set us free from the laws of Moses, through the death of Jesus. This was done to deal with future sin so that we would not have to stand in condemnation.
Freedom from Sin
God will not work with sinners. But Jesus sets us free from sin so that God will work with us to bring us to perfection in Christ.
Why sin must be removed
Sin is the one thing that stands between man and God. God wants His people to be perfect the way they were originally created, until Adam and Eve sinned. But perfection cannot be achieved while we continue to believe we are sinners and living under the power of sin.
How Christ Sets Us Free
One of the key things we must understand about the Gospel of Salvation is how Christ sets us free. Freedom is the basis of the Gospel as we are saved from sin, and through the Gospel of Jesus we are able to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. But how does this take…