Overcoming the flesh is one of the key teachings and promises of Christianity. This section of Romans 8 shows us the keys to doing this. …read more
Romans 7:12-25 – The Christian Dilemma
The Christian dilemma concerns how they view themselves with respect to sin and the law. Understanding this makes life as a Christian easier. …read more
Romans 7:7-11 – Human Nature is Inflamed by the Law
Human nature is inflamed by the law, which is why God sets us free from the law in Jesus Christ. This is critical for all Christians to understand. …read more
Romans 7:1-6 – Freedom from Law
Freedom from law is critical and essential under the New Covenant. But too few Christians understand why and how this is achieved. This post discusses that… …read more
Romans 6:15-23 – The Wages of Sin is Death
The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. We EARN death, but are given eternal life as a gift when we believe in God …read more
Romans 6:12-14 – Not Under Law but Under Grace
You are not under law but under grace. This is a powerful principle, but too often not understood. …read more
Romans 6:8-11 – You must believe you are dead to sin
Romans 6:8-11 tells us that we are dead to sin and how we are to think and believe regarding this matter. It is a compelling read all Christians should know …read more
Romans 6:1-7 – Freedom from Sin through Baptism
Baptism is the key to receiving freedom from sin in Jesus Christ. In it we die with Christ and are raised with Him as new creations. …read more
Romans 5:15-21 – Sin versus Righteousness
God in His immeasurable grace has given us a way to escape sin and receive His righteousness as a gift. The comparison of sin vs. righteousness is an interesting topic in this section. …read more
Romans 5:12-14 – The Nature of Sin
Topic: The Nature of Sin Reading: Romans 5:12-14 Introduction and Overview In these few verses we gain an insight into sin, and the nature of sin. Amongst other things, sin is an enemy, and to defeat an enemy, we must… …read more
Romans 5:6-11 – Reconciled to God
Through the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to God, and this is reason for great joyfulness. …read more
Romans 5:1-5 – The Process of Walking with Christ
God is a God of processes. In these few verses we see the process He established to grow and mature in Christ. …read more