Romans 2:12-16 – Bible Study

Topic: Being Do-ers and not just Hearers of God’s will

Introduction and Overview

This section of scripture is interesting for several reasons. Paul shows that it is what a person does and how they live their lives that will determine their future.

People sin and they will be judged accordingly. Whether they have the law or not, if they sin they will be judged.

Likewise, a person who lives a righteous life, whether they have the law or don’t, will be saved. Certainly, the law defines right and wrong, and provides an excellent guide from which we can learn. But we do not need to be under the law to be either condemned or saved.

The key is, “How do you live your life?”

Reading: Romans 2:12-16

Key points from reading:

  1. Everyone will be judged based upon where they stand, whether they are under the law or not.
  2. It is not those who are “hearers” who will be saved, but those who are “do-ers” that will enter the Kingdom of God
  3. Having the just requirements, or the morality of the law written on our hearts to guide us is critical
  4. Everyone will be judged by the standard of Jesus Christ


  1. Scripture: Romans 2:12
    • It’s not about the law because everyone will be judged on the Day of Judgement
    • People who know the law will be judged by it
    • Those who do not know the law will be judged apart from the law
    • There is an understanding of right and wrong in every person and everyone knows what sin is, so there will be no excuses on Judgement Day. No-one will be able to say, “I didn’t know!” because everyone has a sense of right and wrong.
  2. Scripture: Romans 2:13
    • Many people hear or have heard the law. Most people have heard of the Ten Commandments, which is just one part of God’s laws.
    • There are many people who have heard the commandments of God, but do not follow them, even among churchgoers
    • God does not care about whether we have heard or not. What He wants people to do is to DO what He commands and to follow His words
    • Jesus taught these principles in this scripture: Luke 6:46-49
  3. Scripture: Romans 2:14-16
    • God is no respecter of persons, as verse 11 in this chapter states clearly saying, “God shows no partiality.”
    • There will be non-Christians who will be saved and enter God’s kingdom because they lived their lives in alignment with the righteousness of God. They did what is right because the righteousness contained in God’s law was part of their moral make-up. The scripture puts it this way: ”They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts.”
    • The work of the Holy Spirit is to do likewise in us. God is writing the requirements of His law on our hearts as we follow the ways of Jesus. See also: Hebrews 8:6-13

Key Takeaways:

  1. God does not want us to be “pew warmers” at church who listen and then forget
  2. God wants people who will DO what His commandments teach and the main thing to learn is to follow Him
  3. Every person will be judged whether they know God’s law and the ways of Christ or not because every person has been given a sense of right and wrong. How they behave will determine how they are judged.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that you are not just a hearer and when you study the word of God or listen to it being spoken, listen and DO
  2. Pray that you will find the truth and follow the words of Christ.
  3. Pray that you have the ability to always walk in the paths of righteousness, doing the will of God