Topic: The Christian Dilemma
Reading: Romans 8:12-25
Introduction and Overview
There is a dilemma that all Christians face. The Christian dilemma is how they view and understand sin and freedom from sin. In particular, as far as these verses today are concerned, this dilemma extends to the law.
The challenge faced by many Christians is how do they live as Christians when the flesh is weak? How do we overcome the law and sin when our flesh and human passions continually drive us to sinfulness?
For many Christians, the big issue they face is dealing with self condemnation because they know they have to do what s right, but fail to do that because they are weak. Victory over the flesh is promised in Jesus Christ, but what must they do to gain this victory?
Today we look at this dilemma to understand our situation. In the next few sessions we will then look at the process of overcoming.
Key points from reading:
- The law is holy, just and good.
- There is no issue with the law itself. The problem is that man cannot keep the law because of the sinfulness inherent in man’s nature.
- Jesus Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law so that we could be free
- Scripture: Romans 7:12
- This scripture states it quite clearly that the law and the commandments are holy, just, and good. How can they be otherwise when they are the words and the will of God?
- But we find that in the law there is this dilemma. If the law is holy, just and good, why do we need to be set free from the law? The earlier studies in this chapter of Romans 7 have shown that we are set free from the law.
- But if it is a good law, why do we need to be set free? It is because of sin. The law defines sin and makes it more sinful because when we do what is wrong we are convicted for the wrongdoing, and we are also convicted for breaking God’s law. Jesus came to set us free from sin, but that cannot happen while we remain under the very law that convicts us as sinners.
- Thus the very law that is good became a problem because while we remain under the law, we are convicted as sinners by the law. And worse, the law inflames the passions of the flesh causing us to do what is wrong.
- Scripture: Romans 7:13
- So, in this verse, Paul asks whether this law that is holy, just, and good brought about death. Is it because of the law and the fact that we cannot keep the law the reason why we die?
- No, it is not. It is not the law that causes us to die, but rather it is sin that causes us to die. And sin is our inability to keep God’s law. It is not because there is any fault in the law, the fault lies within humanity and the passions and desires of the flesh.
- The law defines right and wrong, but when we do not keep the requirements of the law, it is not because the law is at fault. Rather it is sin within our natures that cause us to fail and break the law. The law simply defines sin for what it is.
- Scripture: Romans 7:14-21
- Here is where we see the dilemma that faces all mankind, and especially those who seek to follow Christ. Verse 14 tells us what the problem is. The law is a spiritual law, defined by God. But we humans are flesh and under the power of sin. It is sin that drives our passions, lusts and desires causing us to break the law.
- Paul then writes in the next few verses that he does not understand his own actions. Even though he desires to do what is right, and tries with all his heart to do the right thing, he still fails. As he says, “I can will what is right, but I cannot do it.” And he cannot do it because sin always gets in the way, and the passions of his flesh drive him to do what is opposite to what his will would choose.
- There is nothing good in human flesh, and I’m not talking about muscles, bones, nerves, and so on. There is nothing good in the fleshly nature of man when he stands apart from God. All that exists in the fleshly nature of man are the passions, lusts, and desires that lead to sin.
- But we see the reasoning of Paul and his understanding of this dilemma. He says, “Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells within me.” Paul has learned to separate the sinful fleshly nature of himself, from the spiritual nature that seeks to do God’s will. He can see that there are two parts that are fighting within himself, one side that is his fleshly nature that is driving him to sin, and the other part which is his spiritual nature driving him to follow Christ.
- This distinction is important. It goes to the core of the Christian dilemma, and is the key to understanding how we are to separate ourselves from sin to lead lives walking in the ways of the Lord. It is how we overcome the condemnation that follows those who live under the law, and it is the first step in gaining the victory over the flesh.
- But Paul finishes this section showing just how close these two positions are together. He shows that under the law, every time he wants to do what is right, there is always the temptation of evil sitting right beside his desire to do good. And this evil desire that resides in the fleshly nature of man is ready to draw us away from doing what is good and following the path of sin…if we allow it to do so.
- Scripture: Romans 7:22-24
- This dilemma defines the constant war going on within the hearts and minds of those who seek to follow Christ. There is this battle between good and evil going on all of the time.
- Paul states in these verses that in his mind he recognises that the law is good and it is a great blessing to know the laws that define good and evil. But at the same time, his human nature is trying to drag him down and destroy him by following the lusts, desires, and urges of the flesh.
- The Christian dilemma is tearing him apart, as we see in his cry for a solution. “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” He recognises the wretchedness of this situation that faces all of mankind. This inner conflict is tearing at him, pulling in opposite directions as he tries to live a life free from sin and in accord with God’s will.
- No one can live with this never ending conflict within themselves. And yet many Christians do exactly that. They continue to believe they are under the law and are sinners even after knowing that Jesus came to set man free from sin and to remove the law. And it is in this conflict that Paul asks his ultimate question, “Who will save me from this body of death?
- Scripture: Romans 7:25
- In this verse Paul answers that question. It is Jesus who will save us from this body of death.
- When Jesus died and we entered into His death and resurrection through being baptised into Christ Jesus, He took our sins away and He set us free from the law. When we are free from the law, sin lies dead and the law is unable to inflame our passions, lusts and desires to do evil.
- When sin and the law are removed, the Christian dilemma goes away. When Christ removed our sin and took away the law, there was nothing left to condemn us.
- And Paul succinctly sums up the Christian dilemma showing this separation that we all must recognise. Our flesh serves the ways of sin because human nature is sinful, but our heart, mind, and spirits serve God and Jesus Christ through our desire to follow God’s will. When we can make this separation in our own mind and understand that as we work to follow Christ with our minds, we no longer need to live in condemnation.
- Our bodies will still die because of the sin factor that lies within all human flesh. But our spirits will live because we serve God. And we must also remember the words of Jesus when He said: “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail (John 6:63a)”
- What is important is the renewal of your mind and spirit. It doesn’t matter what happens to your body. The body will grow old, get sick, and eventually die. But if you live in Christ, your spirit will be transformed into His image and you will live with Him into eternity. And as a bonus, when we walk with Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, we gain the victory over our human flesh so that we are no longer driven by our passions and desires.
Key Takeaways:
- The law is good but man cannot keep the law. It is not the law that causes people to die, but sin.
- The Christian dilemma is how we are to live with the two opposing forces at work in our body, one to do right and the other to follow human desires and sin.
- Jesus has given us the ability to overcome the Christian dilemma, separating us from sin and the law so that we can serve God in the spirit, even though our bodies will grow old and die in the flesh.
Prayer Points
- Pray for understanding of these things and the ability to see yourself separate from your flesh. Ask the Lord God to show you how to understand this so that you no longer live in self-condemnation when you fail to do the right thing.
- Pray for understanding of how you have been separated from sin and the aw through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Pray to the Lord God recognising the great gift He has given in His grace. His gift to you in Jesus Christ is that you are not a sinner, bound by the law, but are a freed person in Christ ready to follow His ways.
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